Monday, July 27, 2015

Deep Cervical Fascia

We all have been so far believing that Investing layer (the most superficial layer of Deep Cervical fascia) encloses Trapezius posteriorly , then become a single layer in the ROOF of POSTERIOR TRIANGLE and then encloses Sternocleidomastoid, again become single layer and attached in the midline to mandible, hyoid bone and down to manubrium of sternum.

 Ming Zhang, University of Otago conducted a sectional anatomic investigation with the use of E12 sheet plastination in six human adult cadavers in 2002.

The finding was amazing!!!

Investing layer was absent between sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. The intervening space was fully occupied by fatty tissue that was indistinguishable from the subcutaneous tissue.
The investing layer of the deep cervical fascia is incomplete so that the carotid sheath is directly exposed to the subcutaneous tissue via a gap between the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle. 
Gray's Anatomy states that the portion of the investing layer lying between the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius is made up of the areolar connective tissue rather than the dense connective tissue
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What is Perineum?

Watch the video-Reconstruction of Male Perineum ...interesting

Narrow region, Diamond-shaped
Between Mons Pubis/scrotum Anteriorly, between Medial Surface of thigh laterally and between Gluteal folds/Natal Cleft Posteriorly
Bounded by bones forming pelvic outlet
Separated from pelvic cavity Fascia covering inferior surface of pelvic diaphragm and Pelvic Diaphragm (LEVATOR ANI)
Bones: Anterior: PUBIC SYMPHYSIS, Lateral: Ischial Tuberosities
Anterolateral: Ischio-pubic Rami, Posterolateral: Sacrotuberous ligament

Posterior: Sacrum, Coccyx

Superficial Structures of Perineum (Structures of Superficial Perineal Pouch, Lying beneath the Deep Fascia, which is called Colles' Fascia in this region)
Inferior to PERINEAL MEMBRANE & Superior to PERINEAL Fascia (COLLES’ Fascia)
Bounded laterally by Ischio-pubic ramus:
Superficial Perineal Pouch (open & Continuous with scrotum, penis & ant abd.wall)
Male: Bulb of penis, part of body penis                                                                                                ----Bulbospongiosus,  --Ischiocavernosus muscles
--Superficial Transversus perineal muscles
--Proximal part of spongy urethra
--Perineal branches of internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve
Female: Clitoris,                                                                                                                              --Ischiocavernosus Muscle, 
--Bulb of vestibule & surrounding Bulbospongiosus muscle (lying beneath labia majora);              --Greater Vestibular glands, ---Superficial Transverse Perineal muscles
-Perineal branches of internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve

Wednesday, May 9, 2012



When the urine collects in urinary bladder (about 150 ml), afferent parasympathetic nerves carry sensation from the stretch receptors in Internal Trigone to Sacral Spinal cord [ S2, S3, S4, lateral horn called SACRAL MICTURITION CENTRE]
Then the the efferent motor parasympathetic nerves (from Sacral Micturition Centre) stimulate detrusor smooth muscles of bladder wall generating the urge for micturition.
If you are not willing or not in a proper place the HIGHER CENTRES in the BRAIN (Paracentral Lobule in cerebral cortex, CORTICAL MICTURITION CENTRE) can suppress SACRAL MICTURITION CENTRE and thereby suppress contraction of detrusor muscles.
During filling of bladder at initial stage the sympathetic nerves make the INTERNAL URINARY SPHINCTER (smooth muscles) (at bladder neck, junction of prostatic urethra and lower end of bladder) contracted which helps filling. Once micturition reflex sets in, the internal sphincter is relaxed and urine enters prostatic (in female urethra) urethra.
But EXTERNAL SPHINCTER (Skeletal muscles) remains closed by SOMATIC SPINAL NERVES called PUDENDAL NERVE (coming from Anterior Horn cells of S2, S3, S4). This nerve is under the influence of higher centre (particularly PONTINE MICTURITION CENTRE). When you are comfortable to void urine, the pudendal nerve under the guidance of higher centre, relaxes EXTERNAL SPHINCTER, thus we can void urine.Please see the video:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cranial Nerve lesion

What will be the physical sign in THIRD NERVE Palsy?
Can you describe the physical sign observed in the picture?
Which side IIIrd cranial nerve lesion is evidenced here?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fracture Classification Outline of management

Dear All
Please Click FRACTURE
You can read Merck manual on classification of fracture, important fractures and outline of management of fractures

Enjoy reading

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Knee Joint

You should know every anatomy of this joint, WHY?
Largest joint in the body, most extensively used & most 'ABUSED'
Hinge joints move in only one plane-flexion/extension, but the knee is modified hinge as during beginning of flexion--there is lateral rotation of femur & at the end of extension--medial rotation of femur. Hence rotation in mild degree is accompanied both in flexion & extension
Enjoy this video--showing a simple anatomy of knee joint